

Attorney and technology consultant. Lifelong geek.

Was inactive on HF for about 25 years. Active again on HF September 2023.

Have new Yaesu FTdx10 and ground mounted Hustler 5BTV 10-80 Vertical. December 2023 added full sized G5RV at 40’ and 80m doublet fed with 450 ohm ladder line at about 50’. January 2024 added a RF Kit RF2K-S dual BLF189XRB LDMOS HF amplifier. The RF Kit was initially defective and has been back to the shop a second time for further repairs in its short life. I may have made a mistake in canceling my Mercury LUX order.

After failing to make any DX contacts on 160m during the 2024 ARRL DX International SSB Contest, I erected a NI4L inverted L with almost all of the 123’ vertical for 160m in March 2024. Working on adding a new MFJ-1848 hex beam (40m-6m) and restoring a Butternut HF6V vertical 80-10 with 160m kit.

Ground mounted Hustler 5BTV vertical

Kenwood TS-940S AT, MC 80 desktop microphone, and Heil HC-4 are still working after all of these years.

Realistic HTX-100 10m radio running FT8 and FT4 with DigiRig to a Hustler G10 1/2 wave vertical at 20’.

Heathkit SB-220 amplifier with pair of 3-500Z. Still working. It seems to be original except for tubes. A workhorse.

Hunter Bandit 2000C amplifier with pair of 3-400Z I recapped 30 years ago. Now HV came up to 2800v (good) and tubes glowed nicely on first slow power-up on the variac, but it now trips the GFCI at about 70v AC on 120v AC with the Power Switch Off and fuse out. Starting troubleshooting. Perhaps the rectifier or caps again. Thoughts or repair recommendations welcome.

Old Icom IC-701 HF transceiver still works.

Experimental uSDX+ HF QRP transceiver is surprisingly flexible and fun. DigiRig for FT8/FT4. CAT control.

73 de Jeff