2 devices using CP201x driver

UPDATE: HRCC on youtube has a good guide that explains setup… Wished I’d seen that first. Seems I need to understand the Digirig lite better … looks like it does not actually use a Com port … Old brain is slow to catch on. Am I missing an install guide?

I have another device (Icom IC7300) that uses CP201X driver and my issue is if it is turned on it will conflict with the Digirig since they both enumerate with the same Com port via the driver … The Silicon Labs site claims I need to change the ID on the devices EEprom, not doing that. Anyone else resolve this in a less extreme way? Running the latest SL Driver … Second device the driver see’s gets ignored. Running W11

yes, you’re correct.

i was typing a reply that i hadn’t experienced that issue on my setup.
ic-7200 usb direct to pc with digirig mobile/g90/x5105 at the same time.


digirig lite is sound card with PTT options of; GPIO (called RA board in some software or CM108/CM119 in other software) OR digirig lite VOX (the vox circuit is in the digirig lite, not turning on vox on the radio itself)

good luck

All CP210x have a unique IDs so Windows is able to distinguish them. I test Digirigs on my PC and now I have thousands of COM ports from Windows assigning a different one for each next Digirig and they are different from my IC-7300.

Now if somehow multiple UART devices got associated with the same COM port then you can reassign it in advanced settings of the device properties under the device manager. The administrative privileges are required to do this.


Thanks for the info Denis … Once I better understood how the lite works and stumbled onto the Ham Radio Crash Course video the cloud lifted. I’m now set and my Digilite and 7300 co-exist no problem. My error was using the standard digirig setup info.

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