Baofeng AR-152 HT fldigi digirig PTT settings Windows 11

Good morning. Similar issues
Windows 11 machine, using an AR152 which is essentially a baofeng

FLDIGI tries to send, but won’t activate the PTT.

Now, got a few standard digirigs - one of which is installed and works on an HF radio, my Yaesu 891 when running JS8call and Vara, so I wanna say drivers aren’t my problem but I don’t know what my issue is

Com 8 is the comport for this concern, although others are used for running HF and I don’t know why

I have had problems pushing the K connector all the way in on the Baofeng handset. It took more force than I expected.

There are 2 Silicon Labs COM ports. Have you tried the other COM port? Is your device a Digirig Mobile, or a DR-891?

73 Constrainted

I have regular digirigs

Com port 8 is what pops up for this radio, regardess of what I choose or what usb port I plug into

This must be frustrating, since I realize you are experienced with setting up Digirig for digital modes.

Denis has written a guide, Troubleshooting Digital Modes – digirig which presents a step-by-step approach, especially for triggering PTT.

73 Constrainted

New thread since Baofeng AR-512 is a commercial radio, unlike the UV-5R. The pinout for the handmics do seem the same, so the Digirig uv-5r cable set should work. We need to keep our eyes on the higher power, 10W, and the chance for RFI.

73 Constrainted

I would start from fixing whatever issue windows is reporting for the COM ports.

If you need to remove and reinstall the driver then look for the link and instructions in getting started tutorial.

Also figure out which port belongs to what device by unplugging them one at-a-time and checking for the COMs that disappear.

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