ok, great
that helps a lot to formulate a reply

SSTV, a favorite of mine.
first, if you’re planning on using sstv with another ham you know, you’re good.
the reason i say this is that 99% of sstv activity is on 20m, 14.230 for analog sstv and 14.233 for digital sstv.
(in this context, both are ‘digi’ modes but the encoding of the picture is different)
another .99% is from the ISS and is on 2m
so the htx-10 is left out for either of those bands of course.
NOW, on to the hardware wiring.
to decode sstv from the htx-10, you could hold an android phone running droid sstv up to the speaker if you have a friend transmitting sstv in the 10m ssb portion.
it will decode really well without ‘wires’.
ok, the digirig
let’s simplify and at the same time complicate things.
the digirig has 2 main ‘parts’.
an audio device (usb soundcard)
a comport
what’s that mean for a ham radio?
‘back in the day’ we had a different box called a TNC.
this was a box that connected to your computer via a serial port (comport)
the box had ALL the ‘stuff’ inside to create digital mode ‘tones/noises’ through the radio as well as ‘push the transmit button’ on the radio.
the computer did none of the ‘processing’.
that meant every time a new digital mode was ‘invented’ a whole new box had to be produced.
EXPENSIVE to the ham radio operator.
in comes ‘sound card packet’
let the computer figure out how to make all the digital noises for the radio using the sound card.
but how do i push the transmit button on the radio automatically?
ahh, the comport on the computer!
(there are 2 ‘lines’ on a serial port that can be ‘toggled’ on/off open/closed)
later radios have the capability to send the transmit ‘button’ over the remote control commands.
(like change frequency, change mode, etc)
so the digirig is a neat little bundle that puts everything you need in one package.
audio to make the digital noises
comport that can be used to toggle the transmit button AS WELL as provide remote control on radios that support remote control.
htx-10 does not of course.
a digirig cable for the htx-10 should be using the audio jack of the digirig.
connect rx audio, mic audio, ground, PTT, to a trrs plug in the correct order.
the serial jack on the digirig will not be used.
in software, ham radio deluxe, rx sstv, mmstv , fldigi etc.
you would select the usb sound device for audio in/out
you would select the digirig comport for ptt (RTS checkbox and whatever number the comport is)
also, if there is a remote control option in the software of your choice, you would select NONE.
good luck
