Cables for TEN-TEC Model 588+ OMNI-VII+

From the manual we get this:

This looks good for audio/PTT connection:

Appears to be a full size DIN5 connector. No store cable for that at the time of writing. The homebrew audio cable will look like this:

DIN5 pin 1 (Audio In) → 3.5mm TRRS ring 1 (RIG_AFIN)
DIN5 pin 2 (Gnd) → 3.5mm TRRS sleeve (GND)
DIN5 pin 3 (PTT) → 3.5mm ring2 (RIG_PTT)
DIN5 pin 4 (Audio Out) → 3.5mm TRRS tip (RIG_AFOUT)

That’s a bummer. Looks like industry standard MiniDin6. That would make things easier.

Female DB9 connector on the radio’s side for some reason. :man_facepalming:
No pinout info, but we can assume/hope for standard pinout with RS-232 levels.

The homebrew serial cable will look like this:
DB9 Pin 2 (RxD) → 3.5mm TRRS tip (RIG_RXD)
DB9 Pin 3 (TxD) → 3.5mm TRRS ring 1 (RIG_TXD)
DB9 Pin 5 (GND) → 3.5mm TRRS sleeve (GND)
DB9 Pin 7 (RTS) → DB9 Pin 8 (CTS)

Please report your results if you give it a try.


As a less attractive alternative to the accessory connection for the audio/PTT, it is possible to use mic/phones jack for that in front with the available store cable:

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Need headset boom mike cable 8 pin

The topic at hand is interfacing of the radios for digital modes.
If you need some cable that you are not finding in the regular ham equipment stores, you can reach out to with a custom cable build request.

Thanks for the cable. It didn’t work so I troubleshot and discovered my tentec omni vii had no dc output on pin 2 of mic connector so the mic ain’t gonna work. I cannot find the source of the 10 volts to the mike connector on the schematic. Got any suggestions?
73, Jim W5ZXO
Ps : cable works fine on my other radio.