Can I still tx/rx analog voice when HT is connected to dr lite using the same freq?

Here is my use case, I ride my bike setup my HT, dr and phone to do beaconing. If I need to do comms via normal analog voice (tx/rx) does dr lite need to be disconnected? Or will analog voice still work as normal without having to disconnect dr?

i’m sure the ht disables the ‘built in’ speaker and microphone when the external speaker/mic ports have something plugged into it.

that’s my best guess

i do motorcycle mobile and luckily i have HTs with built in aprs capability and will beacon on vfo A while responding to a speaker mic on vfo B

good luck

The handset loudspeaker and mic are off. You can speak and hear through the computer, though, if you have a way to set PTT with a program like Ham-audio-bridge .

73 Constrainted