Cannot transmit APRS with Yaesu FT-2980 and DR mobile

Hi! I purchased a Digirig Mobile as well as 2 cable: RJ-12 (for use with my Yaesu FT-2980) and Alinco GX16 (for use with my Alinco DX-SR8 HF radio).

I am trying to get APRSDroid working with my FT-2980. I plug a USB-C cable from the DR Mobile to my phone (Samsung S8) and I plug my RJ-12 cable to the mic port in the front of the radio and the 3.5mm jack to the speaker out in the back of the radio and finally, the other 3.5mm plug into the BLACK 3.5mm jack of the DR (called: Audio). I make no use of the audio out from my phone.
I went into preferences of APRSDroid and set:

  1. protocol to AFSK
  2. Audio to: Media
    I set my Media audio levels to about 75% (I have tried from 50% to almost 100%).

On the radio, I set the frequency to 144.390Mhz, no split, no tone, no offset. McGain to 9.
I set the volume knob to the 1 oclock position (a bit more than 50%). I have also tried higher sound levels all the way to almost the max.
I’ve tried turning the squelch all the way down (but then the radio is always busy receiving).
I’ve tried turning the squelch a bit higher than the noise level, so only actual signals come through.

I set a portable radio (seperate from my mobile 2980) on 144.390Mhz to hear the traffic going in and out.

I can hear packets coming in. APRSDroid shows that it receives them. All is well on that side.
The radio NEVER EVER switches to TX, even though I try sending out my position multiple times. Looking at, I do not see any updates to my position while I was trying out DR Mobile.

The ONLY time I have been able to make APRSDroid work, was to bypass the DR Mobile entirely by plugging the 3.5mm plug into my phone’s audio OUT. I was able to transmit my position, however the PTT was stuck in transmit the second I plugged into the phone’s audio OUT.

I like experimenting like everyone else, but this is an exercise in patience and frustration. I thought it would be smart to get everything going with APRSDroid before attempting something more complex like Winlink, but things aren’t going as planned!

David VA2FSH