CAT dropping issues with Yaesu FT-450D

I have been using a Yaesu a FT-450D with the newer cables with zero issues for about a year now primarily with WSJT-X -I purchased Ham Radio Deluxe earlier this year and for the most part it works great EXCEPT for when I go to use the Frequency sliders (like sliding from 14.150 to 14.200) causes the CAT control to drop. I have to power cycle the Radio or pull the USB to regain control. Again WSJT-X works great and I’ve never had a drop issue with that-
For Christmas/Birthday earlier this month I got a Yaesu FT-DX10 and it works with those sliders fine - I had a chance over the holidays to add an RX out/IF out to the 450D which works like a treat with SDR PLAY --CAT works fine Except For when I slide the curser to change frequency in the waterfall the CAT drops - so an abrupt change in Frequency seems to make the CAT connection drop - I have checked the settings and everything looks fine-
Can anyone point me to the right direction in where to begin troubleshooting?

radio options

on my ic-736:
read timeout is 500ms (the default)
polling is 300ms (the default)

you could try adjusting these numbers until you get a stable connection.

read timeout is how long does the software wait for a response from the radio before trying again/giving up (i don’t know which one hrd does)

polling interval is how often/quickly does the software ask the radio ‘how you doin’ ?’

good luck

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