DigiRig and RGO One


I have the DB15 connector configuration needed for my RGO One and have assembled a cable for that purpose. have the USB-controlled CAT working finer with WSJT-X using one of the Kenwood radio settings available. Does anyone know what settings in WSJT-X should be for PTT, if any? I

Scott N1IA

If you are using cable per discussion in other post and Digirig Mobile then PTT by RTS will work. PTT via CAT might also work.

As Denis posted, PTT via CAT will most likely work. that cat command is in the set used by the ts-480 which seems to be one of the popular sets used in independent sdr offerings.

otherwise, the RTS option will certainly work

good luck

Thanks Denis. Got it working on CAT using the TS-140 setting. As soon as my Digirig gets here, I’ll fire it up. 73 de Scott N1IA