I own a DigiRig CI-V model that I originally purchased for use with an Icom IC-7100.
I also own an Alinco DR-135T Mk III. I purchased the official DigiRig 9600 cable for the Alinco.
I’ve been working on configuring Direwolf for use with the Alinco and have it configured to send PTT via CM108.
I can tell when Direwolf attempts to key the Alinco, but the signal never seems to be transmitted.
Edited - forgot to add this bit… If I short the Ring and Sleeve on the TRRS connector for the DigiRig cable for the Alinco, the radio does go into XMIT mode, so I can confirm that works.
I read the following Understanding rig control options:
Stating from Digirig 1.6 there is one PTT driver line permanently available on audio TRRS socket as second ring. It is independent from serial CAT and accessible in all configurations. This allows sharing of the same Digirig unit between CAT capable radios and HTs reliant on hardware PTT signal.
Unless I’m misinterpreting this, the DigiRig I own should still be able to support the Ainco without making any modifications.
Or is this simply not possible, and I need to remove the solder from the pads