Digirig CI-V works with VARA FM but WSJT-X Test CAT gets timeout

Hi, I’m running an IC706MkII.

I’m successfully running Winlink and VARA FM with my DIgirig CI-V.
Winlink/VARA are not running when I’m trying to run WSJT-X.
I had it working with WSJT-X at one point, but when I do a “Test CAT” now it gets
Hamlib Error: Communication Timed Out
I’ve attached a screenshot to my query.

This is on Windows 11 Home, 10.0.22631 on HP Pavilion laptop

Do you mean you run multiple apps at the same time? The COM port can only be accessed by one app at-a-time. Do you get CAT control in WSJT-X with no other ham apps running?

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No, I said that to ensure that no one thought both were trying to access the comm port.

4-5 months ago, before I started using Winlink, I had WSTJ-X up and running. I had to install the drivers, obviously, but it came together quickly.
I installed Winlink and VARA FM, configured both, and have had no problems. I have not knowingly changed anything in the Windows configuration.

I haven’t had that error myself, but if I were to troubleshoot it, I would start by looking to see if there’s a COM port conflict, or COM Port configuration error (COM Port#, Stop Bits etc.) between the radio’s settings and the WSJT-X settings.

If all good there, using Windows’ Device Manager feature, see what drivers are listed to which COM port. Disconnect the DigiRig’s USB connector should see a COM port disappear (Silicon Labs CP210X…), which is the COM Port it uses, and must match the set in your radio and WSJT-X.

My favourite to get wrong/change by accident is the Port configurations for the Radio in either the radio, or the program (WSJT-X), as they must match. Port speed (Baud Rate) is often a culprit.

Let me know if you need help in doing that, if you haven’t already run through those aspects.

Good luck.

Good morning. I have a Icom 7000. Sorry I don’t have an answer to your problem. I also have the same problem error as you. I have not seen any solution to your problem. I was hoping if you find a solution you could pass it along? Thanks for your time.
Craig B.

I will post it here.

So after trying several different softwares (WSJTX, Hamlib) I got nowhere. Tried WSJTX on my MacBook and had the same errors.
I got a wild hair, and chose IC-706MkIIG instead of IC-706MkII (which is what I really have) and it all worked like it is supposed to!
Hope this is beneficial for some others.

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If it makes you feel any better, this isn’t an isolated case. I’ve seen the same issue with other radios/models in other software packages too.


Yes, for sure.
Mike (W9MDB) observed that the CIV address for the MkIIG is x58 v x43 for the MkII. I checked my MkII and it was set to x58. Mystery solved, right? Nope. Changed the CIV to x43 and WSJTX to IC-706MkII and I get the same error as before. So there’s something else going on.
Solution: back to x58 and IC-706MkIIG

So the default C-IV for a MkII is actually x4E and that makes it work perfectly.