DigiRig Light no com ports in device manager

Hello group,

I just received my DigiRig Light and when plugged into my Microsoft Surface Laptop using the standard USB-A connection, I have the sound card portion show up in “Device Manager”, but no ports. I have tried downloading the SilconLabs driver, but I don’t find any way of installing it. This is the latest version of the laptop with Windows 11. The odd thing is when I plug in my other DigiRig units they all work using the same USB port. Any ideas? I have turned off the computer and cold booted, no help!


That is correct, Digirig Lite does not have a serial port.

Well that certainly explains it! Okay, so what is it used for? I really bought it to go with my Samsung S24 Ultra to be able to have something small in my travel gear for doing winlink with my Icom ID50. If it doesn’t do PTT why have just an external sound card? Am I missing something? 73 Dave

It does PTT by GPIO3 of codec and also supports VOX.
You’ll find detailed info in the product page and this discussion.

Thank you very much Denis! Sorry… I’m old!

No worries. This stuff can be confusing at any age.