I auto-tuned to a buddy’s station and received the information in the screenshot below
I’m using a Digirig lite on an FT 8900… Anyone run into this?
I auto-tuned to a buddy’s station and received the information in the screenshot below
I’m using a Digirig lite on an FT 8900… Anyone run into this?
Looks like vara uses reference to a different interface hardware. You can achieve the same result with Digirig by adjusting the audio level in the control panel.
in Vara setup, if the RA board is selected (selecting gpio PTT as is the case for Digirig LIte), then you get a pic of the RA board for reference.
and as Denis stated, in your case you simply adjust the ‘slider’ in the OS soundcard output(speakers) setting to adjust the drive level instead of a hardware pot inside the digirig.
good luck