Digirig Lite and WoAD

Just received the absolutely AWESOME Lite today! It is exactly what I needed for the VX7 and WoAD. Using a full Digirig Mobile is almost a waste because the VX7 can’t do CAT control. The Lite is just right.

It takes some experimentation to get it to work, but it’s keying the VX7 like a champ.

Just enable PTT GPIO, then I hit paydirt with GPIO 3. And it’s been working like a champ!

THANK YOU, K0TX FOR YOUR HARD WORK. I am a customer for life.

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Anyone else using WoAD with the new DigiRig Lite? It uses GPIO trigger for the PTT. I get the error at the bottom of the screen when trying to run a session. The phone is a samsung s24 ultra. The really strange thing is that it works just fine with my Samsung S9 tablet. Both running the very latest software version

Thank you for sharing your success! I stocked to facilitate more mobile radio use.

I think that I need 3 or 4 more of these for my OTHER radios. I can see one of these going INSIDE my trusty IC-2AT for portable APRS via the ISS.

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