DigiRig Lite, FT60, and Woad

I am having trouble trying to get this combination to work, so hopefully someone with similar experience can point out what I am doing wrong.

With Woad installed, and opened, but not running, I connect the DigiRig Lite to the FT60 cable I also bought from DigiRig to my Motorola Moto G Power Android phone.

With the squelch on the FT60 fully open, and the VFO set to the correct frequency, as soon as I turn the FT60 on (last step in the process), the red transmit light on the radio comes on, and I can hear it transmitting on a second HT. I have not clicked the “run” icon in Woad, yet the radio is transmitting.

What should I be looking for? Any help would be appreciated.

I don’t have your setup, but I do not want your question to go too long without an answer.

Is the radio set to VOX? Are all the cables completely seated? Is Woad configured the way you want it? Does the radio stop transmitting, or is it stuck?

73 Constrainted

Does radio key up when WoAD is not running?

Thank you for your reply. Looking through the operation manual for the FT60, it does not appear to have VOX capability. Yes, I have been seating the cable as deep as I can get it into the radio. It is only a single cable for the FT60 plugged into a DigiRig Lite.

The radio is stuck in transmit as soon as I turn the radio on , after connecting cable, and prior to pressing “run” in Woad. When I press run I can hear it “squawking” on a second HT and I see the PTT LED light on the DigiRig Lite when it squawks. It just does not stop transmitting until I either unplug the cable from the radio or turn the radio off.

Is Digirig’s red light on when the radio keys up unintentionally?
Does this happen with the same Digirig, cable and radio when using with a computer?

No, the DigiRig Lite PTT red LED only lights when I hear the sqauwk on the other HT. Connecting to a PC computer is a whole other issue, I cannot find, in Winlink, how to adjust the setting for “audio” mode, the only choices I find are TNC’s. I would like to get one working first, but if we can get both working that would be great, Thank you.

Please follow Denis’ K0TX advice.

I can comment on this.

On a Windows PC, you have a choice of Winlink Vara FM/HF and Winlink Packet. Vara FM/HF modem is the software TNC/modem and soundmodem is the software TNC/modem for Winlink Packet mode. Does that make sense?

It may help eliminate some possible problems.

73 Constrainted

My understanding that with the phone the radio keys up unintentionally regardless if the software running. Does this happen with the PC as well?

Constrained, I have the session selected as Winlink Packet.

For Packet Winlink, use soundmodem or Direwolf as the software TNC/modem.

Does that sound good?

73 Constrainted

K0TX, thank you for your reply, when I try to start a session in Winlink on PC, (with Packet Winlink selected) the session initializes, but I am unsure of which TNC Connection in Settings to select for the DigiRig Lite. I do not see a choice for “audio”.

For a complete setup you will need to either use VaraFM (for vara repeater) or Soundmodem (for packet repeater). That is later on though. The first question is if the radio keys up unintentionally when you just connect the hardware before you run any apps?

No, the radio does not key up when initially turned on and connected to the PC. I will only be using packet, as that is what we have in the area. I do not have HF equipment, so I am only accessing 2M and 70cm Winlink nodes.

Thank you for testing. This tells us that there is no hardware problem e.g. shorted cable or Digirig somehow locked up in PTT.

Red light not coming up while the radio is transmitting unintentionally indicates that it’s not Digirig that triggers the PTT. Between the two results, there isn’t much left in between.

Let’s go back to the phone setup and change the order of things:

  1. power up the radio while with no wiring connected, volume close to zero
  2. plug Digirig cable into the radio while keeping it unplugged on the other end (still no TX)
  3. with no apps running plug Digirig into the phone
  4. plug other end of the radio cable into the Digirig’s socket
  5. add some volume on the radio (maybe 10-15% of the range)

Does the radio key up at any point in this process?

OK, with he FT60 powered on, as soon as I plug in the DigiRig cable for it (without DigiRig Lite connected), the transmit LED comes on, the radio starts transmitting, and I can hear it on the second radio.

So it is the cable then. Surprised that this issue didn’t manifest itself when using with Windows machine. There must be a partial insertion that shorts the PTT line. See if pushing it in further gets the radio out of transmit.

Sorry, that did not help. I pushed it in hard and twisted as it went, still transmitting.

the angled end of the cable is on the radio right?

sorry, that’s all i had :frowning:


Correct, the 90 degree end is plugged in to the FT60.

Can you still preproduce the results you reported earlier with connection to the Windows computer? If the cable shorts out the PTT line on its own, I’m not quite clear how PC manages to un-short it.

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