DIGIRIG Lite not recognized

Got my Digirig lite today. It works fine on my Evolve. However it doesnt work on my Surface Go. “Device Descriptor Request Failed.”
I tried installing the Silicon Labs driver but that didnt fix it.

Any Ideas?

I’m not acquainted with the Lite yet, but I see that the Surface Go only has a USB-C port. Did you rule out a problem with the USB-C cable or adapter, such as it being incapable of handling data?

I dont think so because original DIGIRIG works fine on the Surface Go.

Digirig Mobile is USB-C while Digirig Lite prototype is USB-A.
Is there anything connected between Surface Go and Digirig Lite?

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Yes a USB-c to a multi port USB A hub. I’ve tried two different Hubs. My next step is buying a single port usb c to a. Because it works on the Evovle’s direct USB-A port.

Issue fixed

It was indeed both of my USB-C to A hubs.

Worked like a charm with a USB-C to A adaptor.


Device descriptors are a nasty piece of windows and can cause a multitude of issues.
I have had exactly the same issue and had exactly the same fix on a laptop.
well done in discovering the fix.

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