Apologies if this issue has been resolved in another post; I’ve perused the site for a bit and haven’t seen this exact issue discussed.
I have the Digirig Lite set up with Android (Galaxy A9+) with APRSDroid, connected to my Yaesu VX-6r. I referenced The Tech Prepper’s YouTube video to ensure the setup and the preferences are correct (Music vol, AFSK, etc). When I select “Send Position” or send a message to WXBOT I see red light trigger the TX on both the Radio and the Radio.
So I know the connection must be correct, but on the APRSDroid app, I’m not receiving any packets on the Hub, and only occasionally are MY packets “turning green” like they’ve successfully been sent out. I pull up APRS.fi on my phone and can confirm there are plenty of active APRS users in the area, so I’m curious why I’m not receiving anything?
This may be a dumb additional question, but should the Galaxy tablet WiFi be ON or OFF when I’m using this setup? I understand that with WiFi I’ll receive from APRS-IS, but with WiFi off wouldn’t that mean that any incoming packets would be received directly by the radio?
New to this, and figuring it out as I go along with all the available resources. Hoping I’m just missing a setting here.
Any help is appreciated, or if this was answered elsewhere I’m happy to be directed there and I’ll research further. Thank you!