Digirig Lite will not transmit/PTT in APRSdroid

I’m having the same issue. Yaesu VX6 > digirig lite > android Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra

I have it set to Audio (AFSK), and I can receive transmissions… but nothing at all transmits. No red light for PTT on digirig lite or radio. Ive tried just about everything.

Is this a bug??

If you are uncertain about any functionality of Digirig Lite I would suggest trying it with a PC. This way you are ruling out any phone related issue.

Feeding any loud audio to Digirig’s sound card should trigger PTT in Digirig Lite.
You can use online tone generators like this one.

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I’m having the same problem. My problems with the Digirig Lite started on Windows where VARA FM refused to work no mater what settings I used. Changed multiple settings on both the radio and windows and nothing. So following the YouTube video I connected my HT to it and tried APRSDroid. Again nada. Checked and double checked the tablets settings and also tried two different HTs and nothing.

Digirig’s functionality is to facilitate:

  • audio from radio to computer
  • audio from computer to radio
  • PTT control

Which if any of the above functions stopped working? Each can be tested independently.

If all of that still works then the focus shifts to software, transceiver settings and RF link quality.