This is how new I am…I bought the Digirig mobile. I plugged it into my computer and the round (serial) port on the back of my Yaesu FTm-400. I have both the Audio Cable and the Audio + CAT cable.
The computer recognizes the Digirig in the sound settings.
I bought it for two reasons. First, and most importantly, I want to be able to play Newsline for our weekly club net. Second, also important but I don’t know how to use the software, is to send/receive email via Winlink for our local ARES group.
I’ve been following the YouTube tutorial “Audio Settings and Troubleshooting.” I’m able to hear the audio from the radio (set to 162.55 local NOAA weather.)
I’ve goofed around with wsjtx doing FT8 with my HF rig (Yaesu FTDX10.) I’ve been able to get wsjtx to key the FTM-400 but it transmits for several seconds. I have to turn the FTM-400 off to get it to stop transmitting or wait until I get a rig control error from wsjtx and eventually it will stop transmitting. However, I do not see any movement in the levels when looking at the Digirig in my computer’s audio settings as seen at the 7:00 minute mark in the video.
How do I get my computer to key up the radio and play the Newsline mp3 that is saved on my desktop? I open the file in media player. It plays thru my computer speakers but I can not hear it when I plug a set of headphones into the Digirig.
I have to give the disclaimer that I’ve searched and read through several other posts. I suspect that I need some sort of software to make this happen but I don’t know what or how. I read something about Direwolf?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Merry Christmas and 73,