Digirig with (tr)usDX

I purchased a digirig last week to sort out the cable tangle used with a Xiegu G90. Best purchase of any ham related thing I’ve made in a long time as it works flawlessly.

While I was at it, I also bought a cable for a (tr)usDX. I’m unable to achieve CAT control with it although audio input and output work as intended.

I’ve attempted to use Flrig with the (tr)usDX addressed as a usDX, and a TS480HX. I get hamlib errors regardless of port settings. (Windows and Linux).

In Windows 10, device manager shows the FTDI as a Silicon Labs, and for the most part, always assigns the same comport after a reboot. I’ve adjusted the baud rate, parity, stop bits, flow control, etc. with just about every permutation there is.

In Linux (MXLinux, latest kernel as of 09.02.24), /dev/ttyUSB0 is currently at 115,000, 8, N, 1, and no flow control. Again, just about every permutation of combinations have been tried.

With both Windows and Linux, using WSJT-X, I can set rig to “None” and use “RTS” for PTT.
However, having to change frequencies manually preclude using the (tr)usDX for band hopping in WSPR.

What does work, under both Linux and Windows, is using the onboard CH340 FTDI in the (tr)usDX directly with WSJT. This involves using a sound dongle for audio, so I back to three interface cables.

This combo works with Flrig under Windows, but has a one second latency in transmit using Flrig with Linux.

I’ve also used the virtual cable/comport application for the CH340 with Windows. It works about 50 % of the time but constantly looses communication with the radio. I have not tried to use the python app of same under Linux.

I am at the latest firmware for the (tr)uSDX as of 09.0.24. Computer is HP with an I7 processor.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am not going to compile a new Linux kernel as they invariably get replaced each time the system is updated.


Karl - W5QJ

i’ve only got the knockoff usdx+ v2 “pre-(tr)u”


it prefers kenwood ts-480 @ 38400 and 2 stop bits


Thanks webmonkey, and those settings do work fine with the 200i firmware of the (tr)usDX utilizing the onboard CH340. Latest firmware allows 115,200 baud.

However, just tried your suggestion with the (tr)usDX and digrig interface/cable and it will not connect.

I have the 8 band knock-off of the usDX and it works with what you suggest. I have used it with Flrig and OmniRig for several years.

I’ve spent literally days trying to make the (tr)usDX work with the digirig cable.

Device manager shows the digirig as a Silicon Labs CP210x. I think the digrig itself is fine as it works perfectly with the Xiegu G90.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Karl - W5QJ

I put my settings for using the trusdx with a digirig at the end of this video. Im not using flrig, but that software does have a specific setting for the trusdx.

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Thank you Drew for sending the link. I’m able to use the built-in CH340 FTDI in the (tr)uSDX for CAT control and the digirg for audio. I watched your video and I’m doing the same thing as you are except I’m not using a USB hub.

As stated in my post, I’ve used the CH340 and a sound dongle with the (tr)uSDX with success, albeit with WSJT directly.

The latest version of flrig does include (tr)uSDX as a selection but I can only access it via the internal CH340. And using flrig with WSJT under Linux has about a second latency in audio.

I communicated with Denis about my post and if I would have read the description of the usdx cable a bit more closely, it states specifically PTT and audio. Currently, CAT control and audio via just the digirig isn’t feasible.

Both Windows and Linux are happy with the CH340 and digirig plugged into computer USB ports. I was hoping to get away with just one cable though.

The original intent of a digirig with the (tr)uSDX was for interface with a Pi400. The Pi400 has 3 USB ports; one for a mouse, one for the SSD I’m running off of, and a third. I’m using the third for the digirig to get audio and PTT, and changing frequency via the VFO. I’m considering transferring the operating system back to a micro SD card and running off of it That will free the third USB port and allow connection to the the CH340 in the (tr)uSDX . Then I’ll have CAT control.

Thanks again,

Karl - W5QJ

Check out DR-891. Even though designed specifically for FT-891, it can be used as a single USB connection interface for (tr)uSDX with a quick homebrew USB cable.

Used the Raspberry Pi “SD Card Copier” to copy from the SSD to a 256 mb uSD card. Booted from the uSD card and utilized the free USB port on the Pi400 for the (tr)uSDX CH340.

Now I have CAT control via CH340 and audio via digirig. I’m able to run one browser, GridTracker, CQRLog, Flcluster, and WSJT successfully, but this puts the Pi400 at its limit.

I’m also using a 5 VDC 15" HDMI monitor and a battery powered speaker. Intent of all this effort is to be able to operate from Terrell County, TX during the upcoming deer hunting season. This is a fairly remote area near Big Bend National Park. Population of Terrell County is about 750 folks.

With the power station I’m using, I’m able to get about 5 hours of FT8 operation before needing a recharge. Much, much longer if I’m CW only.

Thanks for the help.

Karl - W5QJ

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Just recently bought the official uSDX cable from you and confirmed it is working correctly vs diagram via continuity tester. Works fine but I can’t get cat to work on anything…Vara, Wsjtx, digirig. Is there a way using my digirig or am I stuck using the using USB cable to the TruSdx and make up cables to the audio ports… Let me know… Thanks

Thank you for your purchase. The uSDX cable available in Digirig store is for audio and PTT. The separate cable is required for optional CAT control.

One option to have a single USB connection to computer is with Digirig DR-891. Instead of serial port like in Digirig Mobile, DR-891 has a pass-through USB connection. A homebrew cable will be needed to use that with uSDX.

So if I don’t mind running 2 usbs for this radio I can work CAT and audio? PS have 2 Digirigs real work horses…

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Yes, some uSDX models have a microUSD connection that works for CAT control. You can connect Digirig for audio and PTT using one USB connector and use a direct cable from radio to computer for optional CAT control.