Do I really need 2 cables for a Baofeng HT interface?

The online store offers a pair of Baofeng cables, one for rig interface, the other for programming. Why would I need to buy a programming cable to use with a DigiRig mobile? (I already have a Baofeng programming cable, anyway.) Why isn’t there a (less expensive) option for just buying the rig interface cable?

You can leave a note with your order requesting a single cable. I’ll split the kit and refund you $12.


OK. Thanks. I thought maybe I was misunderstanding the need for the second cable. I appreciate your offer.


Rick - KC7X

Shoot I wish I had known this before I got mine just a few days ago,

Could I send back the programming cable? I am guessing it’s the black one vs the green one?

You can send back the programming cable for $12 refund.
Programming cable is the green one.

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