I have two digirigs one is a “Mobile” and the other is a DR-891. The DR-891 was working perfect for a few days than all of a sudden will not transmit correctly with WSJT-X. When it gets the cat command to PTT it actually does PTT triggering the mic instead of the digirig. I have the ft-891 set for data in to rear and DAKY. in WSJT-X I have PTT set as cat. Cat control works fine and it does decode data received but just sends either nothing if the mic is not connected or what it picks up from the mic when connected. When I change to the Digirig Mobile and use the direct USB for cat and set to RTS it transmits fine. I tested that with the audio cable that came with the DR-891 instead of my homebrew cable I made before I got the DR-891. The only thing I can think of as what changed was I was messing around with MSSTV which ended up working when I figured out how to add the cat commands for the 891 to that program. Is my DR-891 messed up or am I just missing something stupid?
You can test Digirig output by plugging in regular headphones into the audio socket. You should hear audio on the right side.
Thanks that helps. I am getting the ft8 tones with the headphones. I must have something messed up with the radio config. Just super weird that something in the chain would actually PTT the Mic when set for rear input.
You can isolate and test PTT function by shorting ring2 to sleeve contacts on Digirig’s end of the audio cable.
Some background: The video demonstrates Digirig Mobile. PTT by RTS is not available in DR-891, but the same line in the audio cable is used for hardware PTT. DR-891’s PTT options additionally to CAT (primary) are GPIO3 of codec and VOX (fallback).
I was able to get it to work again by changing to “Data” mode on the ft-891. Not sure what changed as to why I could no longer work it in SSB mode. Thanks for the troubleshooting videos I learned a little more about the digirig watching them.