Elecraft KX3 with DigiRig mobile using fldigi ver 4.1.23

Elecraft KX3 with DigiRig mobile using fldigi ver 4.1.23 - WD0UG

Op Mode
…PSK / BPSK-31

…Config Dialog
…Psk (use defaults)

…Rig Control
…Check Use Hamlib
…Rig: Elecraft KX3 (Beta)
…Device: e.g., COM7
…Baud rate: 38400
…Stopbits: 1
…Check PTT via Hamlib command
…Check Audio on Auxiliary port

…Check PortAudio
…Capture: e.g., DigiRig Mic (2-USP PnP Sound Device)
…Playback: e.g., DigiRig Output (2-USP PnP Sound Device)
…Check Device supports full duplex

…Right channel
…Check PTT tone on right audio channel

Set KX3 power to 5 Watts or less
Connect DigiRig mobile with correct cables
Power KX3 on
Mode = USB
Data = Data A
Tune to 7.070 (or other PSK-31 frequency)

Press RsID CQ on fldigi screen

73 Doug WD0UG