FT891 with Digi891 and frequency shifts

Got the new Digi891. At first works great but sometimes when changes frequency to transmit, it wont return leaving me slightly off freq. Example: Listening on 20m 14.074 it transmits on 14.0735. when done it wont go back leaving me to listen on 14.0735. On next transmission it goes to 14.073 to transmit the stays there. It doesn’t do this all the time. what setting do I have messed up? Never had this with my original digirig.

  1. Does your USB cable from the computer to the
    DigiRig have ferrites at both ends?

  2. Try running the COM port data rate at 19,200bps instead of 38,400bps. DigiRig manual suggests 9600bps. The high data rate makes it harder to distinguish data from any noise that makes it into the cable.

  3. Make sure to use quality cable between computer and DigiRig. Use shortest cable that will reach.