This a bit different from Mark KM6ZPO’s post (Direwolf). Having challenges getting VARA FM to open COM6. Running WinLink on Windows 10. No response to the TX test tone.
The DR-891 works with my FT-891 just fine & uses COM3 & COM6 with the DR-891 cabling.
Not so much with the DR cabling for the FTM-200. Screen caps below.
Also having intermittent connection to port 8300.
Hello Ed:
I just signed up for this forum but I’ve used Winlink and VaraFM wide on another radio setup.
I was understanding that to use with 891 digirig is to use RA-board setting for keying. I wrote them and Denis said to use the variant 10 pin serial connection but leave the serial side of the cable on the Digrig off because the DR-891 is not RS-232, but USB. Use the right side audio channel in modem setting also. I will be using a Yaesu FTM-6000 radio.
I do not see screen captures in this thread. There is a guide, Troubleshooting Digital Modes – digirig. The usual approach is to go step-by-step, isolate and solve each problem one at a time. Consider picking a radio to work on first.
Now that I have seen the screen capture in the pdf file, please check COM6 so make certain no other application is attaching to it. The Troubleshooting Digital Modes – digirig will be helpful.
OK, now I see that there are 5 pages of screenshots, with one radio, Vara FM, and one Digirig DR-891, which is designed for the Yaesu FT-891 radio but you want to work with a Yaesu FTM-200dr.
Backing out from this, is your question:
Can I use the DR-891 (designed for the Yaesu FT-891 radio) and its cables, with a Yaesu FTM-200dr VHF/UHF mobile radio?
I do not have either of these radios, so I can’t give you specific help.
If the COM port is unavailable for PTT, try VOX if it is available.
However, the Silicon Labs UART driver is there, as shown on the Guide. I set up the DR-891 with my Yaesu FT-891 a few months ago, and it was working then. Is it a different driver for the FTM-200?
The question could be better framed as: “what is blocking me from getting the Dr-891 to work with the FTM-200?”
I understand from DigiRig is that (a) the DR-891 will work with the FTM-200, as long as (b) you have the correct cabling – it will function like the DR Lite.
You can use DR-891 with any radio in the capacity similar of that of Digirig Lite.
Nothing should be connected to the red (USB) socket. Black audio socket will facilitate audio and PTT. There are no COM ports added by Digirig and available PTT methods are GPIO3 (AKA RA.Board) or VOX/Tone on right audio channel.
Please see this discussion on Digirig Lite which applies to DR-891 when using with radios other than FT-891.
Digirig Lite will work exactly the same as audio side of DR-891. If you want to actually use the green connector for its intended purpose as serial link then you can get Digirig Mobile in RS-232 configuration.