Using win 10 aprsis32 digirig 9600 when port is configured the radio goes into transmit and only way to stop it is delete the port was using bu-353r4 gps on the pc this was working fine b4 and is not what has possibly changed?
In my experience, even if you fix this PTT problem, you will have others with aprsis32. I have success with Pinpoint and YAAC APRS clients on Windows 11. Troubleshooting can be done step by step with these APRS clients.
Good luck.
73 Constrainted
I have the 9600 and the 1200 Baud cable with my digirig and when I connect to YAAC the FTM-400 PTTs and until you close the port. Please let me know if this can be resolved to use the digirig. I need it to work if possible.
That is frustrating! There is a guide, Troubleshooting Digital Modes – digirig which may help you. If the radio goes into transmit when you bring up the program, it may be an issue with the PTT settings in YAAC or a cable problem. If the radio locks on TX after the first PTT from software, it may be an RFI problem.
The guide will help you isolate the cause of the problem.
73 Constrainted
If the radio keys up when you open the port then the issue is with port configuration. Make sure that anything to do with hardware flow control, handshake or RTS/CTS signals is disabled in CAT control section and PTT is set to be triggered by RTS of Digirig’s port.
Do you have a block diagram of the Digirig and what triggers PTT? I agree its the port. The FTM-400 has no CAT control, so I only use the Audio on the digirig.
Yes, you can find the schematic in this post: Digirig Mobile Rev 1.9 – digirig
Even though you are not using serial port for CAT control, the PTT functionality still relies on it. Additional info on that here:
I found how to disable the PTT in the port settings of YAAC. The next issue is getting YAAC to see the data from the FTM-400. On the FTM-400 I do not think you can connect CAT control.
Thank you for the update. Please share your findings/solutions in the thread.
HI folks, I am having the same issue - as soon as I engage the TNC, the radio locks into TX.
I have tried APRSIS32 and now Pinpoint.
I believe I have the right stuff (Digirig Mobile - RS-232 + Yaesu MiniDin10 9600-baud Data and CAT Cable) to RX and TX.
I am sure this is just a settings issue. Here are my settings, maybe someone knows what is off?
serial kiss mode (have also tried custom)
Data Bits - 8
Stop Bits - 1
Serial Speed - 9600
RF Speed - 9600
Parity - None
Flow control - Hardware
EOL Char - CR
Have you examined Hardware Flow Control Settings? Tried 2 Stop Bits?
73 Constrainted
flow control should be ‘none’
the digirig is NOT a tnc
the digirig is a soundcard and a usb serial/comport
the digirig uses the RTS line to trigger a radio’s tx function.
(it can also send ptt command via cat/c-iv over the remote control port but of course this isn’t used if the radio doesn’t support cat/c-iv)
the RTS is a function of hardware flow control and so selecting that, causes the radio to tx.
hardware flow control, rarely used anymore, gives ham radio people 2 ‘surplus’ lines of a serial/comport to ‘toggle’ things.
like ptt.
good luck
Thanks for the tips - I’ve turned flow control to “none.”
When I try to connect the TNC, it still TX.
From reading what you’re saying, maybe connecting it as a TNC is wrong?
I’m still new to this. I just want to log the APRS I see via RF on this software, and to beacon, from the computer, with this software.
I assume that’s possible - and I’m apparently striking out trying to get it to do that.
yes, you’re correct that you can’t connect the digirig as a ‘tnc’, kiss or otherwise.
you would need to run soundmodem which is software that emulates a tnc and ‘makes noises and listens to noises’ to/from the digirig.
the aprs software would connect to the soundmodem software.
so for digirig and aprsis32 to do aprs you need
radio<->digirig<->soundmodem software<->aprsis32
and the soundmodem software i like the best is uz7ho, just googlize that.
aprsis32 would connect via tcp to ‘localhost’ soundmodem instead of connecting to serial port tnc, kiss or otherwise, which you don’t have.
(a kiss only tnc or tnc2 can be had cheap on ebay)
Perhaps, the next version of DR would have the option to PTT with the GPIO3 of CM108 audio codec. This would allow the serial interface to be freed up so APRS packets be received by an an application.
The Digirig Mobile presents the audio channels via the USB interface. The APRS audio packets are available to YAAC, Pinpoint, etc. applications.
73 Constrainted
@Earl_Markey which APRS application and radio is the issue?
73 Constrainted
the serial port is just a serial port.
there is no tnc in the digirig so any application would decode the audio rather than serial data. (there isn’t any serial data to pass since there is no modem to create it)
i.e. APRSdroid receives aprs well via the audio output of a radio, no serial port required.
same with ‘desktop’ software.
I happen to use Pinpoint. However, PTT is activated whenever any application connects to the port (e.g. Putty).
The FTM-400 can be set to forward APRS packets received by the internal TNC to the serial interface. DigiRig has no issue acting as a serial to USB adapter, so long as an audio cable is not connected. PTT with the GPIO3 of CM108 audio codec (instead of serial) would allow connections to the internal TNC (APRS on Band B) and DigiRig (soundcard data on Band A) simultaneously without an serial to USB converter cable.