Hi, Im trying to use the digirig on windows. Im using the default model, with the Yaesu MiniDin10 9600-baud Data and Serial Cable. as of now, on two computers, I only hear white noise and static (listening via the “listen” option in sound properties). Direwolf was able to transmit those testing tones and i could hear them on another radio but picked up no packets even when I sent my own. I imagine this white noise may explain that. Any ideas as to what may be the issue?
I do not have your radio, but I do not want your question to go too long without an answer. Which program are you using to generate the packets? Is that program configured properly to communicate with Direwolf?
73 Constrainted
The audio you are hearing through Digirig should be the same audio you hear through radio’s speakers without Digirig connected. If there is no traffic on the band then the noise is what you’ll hear through Digirig. If the frequency doesn’t get a lot of traffic for you to catch, you can use another radio to make a test transmission and make sure the audio gets tot he computer through Digirig.
Also, don’t forget to switch audio path in your radio to 9600 if you are using 9600 baud cable.