I’m having trouble getting FT8 working with a brand new Digirig mobile, month-old Xiegu G90, macOS, WSJT-X v2.6.1. I run into different problems depending on how “Mode” is set on the G90. (I’ve tried both U-D, which I gather is recommended, and USB.)
With Mode = USB: I can pass both “Test CAT” and “Test PTT” on config, and I can receive FT8 signals well. When I press Tune or try to transmit, the G90 goes into transmit mode but reports 0.00 W output and ALC = 100. I tried plugging headphones into the Digirig’s audio jack while doing Tune and I could hear a tone, so the problem is not with the audio. Power on the G90 is set to 5W, and the Pwr slider in WSJT-X is set to about 3/4. On the Xiegu, input is set to Line and aux in volume to 5 (also tried 8).
With Mode = U-D: In this mode receive seems to work better. I can pass “Test CAT” but not “Test PTT.” “Test PTT” fails with
Rig failure
Hamlib error: 7.frame.c(352):icom_one_transaction returning(-9) Command rejected by the rig.
Command rejected by the rig
6:frame.c(455):icom_transaction returning(-9) Command rejected by the rig
icom_set_mode_with_data: protocol error (00), len=0
6:icom.c(1996):icom_set_dsp_flt entered
icom_set_dsp_flt: mode=USB, width=-1
6:icom.c(2003):icom_set_dsp_flt returning(0)
5:icom.c(2314):icom_set_mode_with_data returning(-9) Command rejected by the rig
rig_set_mode: targetable retcode after set_mode(USB)=-9
Command rejected by the rig
4:rig_set_mode: elapsed=128ms
4:rig.c(2369):rig_set_mode returning(-9) Command rejected by the rig
Command rejected by the rig
Command rejected by the rig
while setting current VFO mode
Any help would be welcome! I’ve read over similar issues in this forum and tried things they suggest, but I haven’t found anything that helps.
I know that this G90 can successfully transmit because I’ve made contacts in CW.
you’re might be getting rf into the ‘chain’ from pc to radio.
(the command rejected rather than connection lost is different though)
the ‘no rf output’ on usb is because the current firmware switches the audio path of the radio to microphone. so you can key up but you don’t have audio plugged into the mic jack.
u-d switches the audio path to the rear port which you do have plugged in.
the audio in makes the rf go out and is getting into the pc to radio chain and killing the ‘cat’ connection.
turn your rf power all the way down on the radio, not the audio sliders on the pc, and try it.
if your remote control connection stays alive, you’ll know it’s an rfi issue.
you could also try another radio definition
icom 7100 or 7200
xiegu x5105
(i had an issue with js8call on a xiegu and used another rig definition to get the ptt command via cat not rejected. xiegu 108g maybe?)
thinking more, it might be a hiccup with the ‘current’ version of hamlib?
Tried turning it down to 1W on the radio. Same problem.
you could also try another radio definition
Tried ICOM 7100 and both the CAT and PTT tests passed.
However, this kicks the mode on the Xiegu back to USB, and then I get the same issue as reported above (0 W power), which I think you diagnosed in your post.
With Xiegu 5105 radio definition, it stays in U-D but I have the same 0W power problem when it goes into transmit mode.
But then tried Xiegu 108G, and I now get power on transmit! Thank you. Let me try to make a contact.
glad you got it going!
just fine tuning audio levels now for peak FT8 action
future reference:
you can select MODE = NONE in wsjt-x to keep the software from trying to set/select a mode on the radio.
(you will still be able to send frequency changes etc)
that way you can manually set the radio to the correct mode and wsjt-x won’t change it.