I’ve gotten a lot further than I was thanks to ‘constrained’. I installed the CP210 driver and my serial port and audio devices appeared.
Unfortunately I ran into an issue after that . I set up the devices as default communication devices and renamed them so that I could find them. However, when I open WSJTX to set up WSPR I get an error ‘can’t open audio device’. That comes up here and there and although I can apparently start WSPR, it doesn’t really seem to be doing anything. I tried receiving for a while – only a few minutes-- and got no response. Also as far as I can tell, when I tried TX, the G90 did NOT ever transmit. It does adjust the frequency so I do think that the CAT controls are working.
I had installed fldigi and I did set that up with info, but I had shut it down before I tried doing WSPR. I even tried uninstalling it in case it had setup a file that caused the issue.
(Note I did fldigi because I saw a youtube that said it was pretty much required for the G90 and digirig. )
Appreciate any thoughts.
Harry KF0MAB
Congratulations on installing the proper drivers and seeing the devices!
The troubles with WSJT-x and fldigi sound frustrating. As you know, I do not own the G90, but I can point you to the guide, Troubleshooting Digital Modes – digirig which will help you isolate and then solve each problem in turn.
My thoughts:
- look at Latest xiegu-g90 topics - Digirig Forum to see if others have solved your problems
- stay with WSJT-x until you get receive and transmit working. FT8 mode will have traffic 24/7. WSPR is too subtle for me, but it may work for you. You can use the G90 waterfall to confirm RX signals, too.
- make other devices, not the Digirig’s devices, defaults.
- post a screen capture of WSJT-x File → Settings → Radio.
- post a screen capture of WSJT-x File → Settings → Audio
- follow the troubleshooting guide.
73 Constrainted
Well I’m there – thanks to your reference. My W10 has a boatload of microphone permissions available. The one that probably was at fault was for ‘Desktop apps’ – the ones that don’t have the MS blessing. Anyway, it’s chugging away now – although I do want to tweak a couple of settings.
Thanks for saving my bacon once again.
Harry KF0MAB
@ford2go Congratulations! Thanks for reporting you are chugging away on WSJT-x modes. You will be able to quickly get fldigi, Vara HF, etc. working too.
73 Constrainted
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