Handheld baofeng Key up issues with Digirig Lite with Direwolf on Raspberry PI

Hey everyone, I’m having a confusing issue here with getting the digirig lite to properly key up my baofeng radio when using direwolf.

For starters the digirig lite shows up in linux as /dev/hidraw0 (instead of /dev/ttyusb like the online forums say.) I’m using the BLACK (not green) baofeng cable purchased from digirig. I know the digirig is working properly with the radio because I’m able to get it keying up and transmitting APRS every minute with the baofeng and Tidradio (same pinouts) on Windows 11 with no issues. It’s just with Linux that it’s having the problem.

Here are the symptoms
It starts to key up, but doesn’t finish, and then direwolf immediately starts throwing “Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device”

From what I can tell, After it attempts to key up, the /dev/hidraw0 device disappears from the linux OS and direwolf can’t find it anymore, hence the error -19 “No such device”.

This is the direwolf console printout:

Dire Wolf DEVELOPMENT version 1.8 D (Jan 23 2025)
Includes optional support for: gpsd cm108-ptt dns-sd

Reading config file direwolf.conf
Audio device for both receive and transmit: plughw:2,0 (channel 0)
Channel 0: 1200 baud, AFSK 1200 & 2200 Hz, A+, 44100 sample rate, Tx AX.25.
Using /dev/hidraw0 GPIO 3 for channel 0 PTT control.
Ready to accept AGW client application 0 on port 8000 …
Ready to accept KISS TCP client application 0 on port 8001 …
DNS-SD: Avahi: Announcing KISS TCP on port 8001 as ‘Dire Wolf on direwolf3’
GPSD: No location fix.
DNS-SD: Avahi: Service ‘Dire Wolf on direwolf3’ successfully registered.
GPSD: Location fix is now 2D.
GPSD: Location fix is now 3D.
[0L] KG7ORK>APDW18,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1:!#############

Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Write to /dev/hidraw0 failed, n=-1, errno=32
ERROR: PTT for channel 0 has failed. See User Guide for troubleshooting tips.

Here are my direwolf settings:

ADEVICE plughw:2,0
MODEM 1200
PTT CM108 (I have tried PTT hidraw0 with the same results)
DIGIPEAT 0 0 ^WIDE[3-7]-[1-7]$|^TEST$ ^WIDE[12]-[12]$ TRACE
SMARTBEACONING 60 2:00 5 15:00 0:15 30 255

I suspect that either the PTT settings(PTT CM108) for the digirig are wrong(even though all the forums show that), or that the ‘/dev/“device ID”’ for Linux is wrong and there is a better one. However what that is/could be I don’t know.

Again this is working just fine on windows with direwolf 1.7 (latest release available.)

I’m welcome to any advice or knowledge that one may have to offer.


i can only clarify one issue
the digirig lite has no serial port so there won’t be a TTY device

unfortunately, that’s the extent of my help
the pi and os eccentricities are not in my wheelhouse

i’m sure someone else will jump in though

good luck

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The Direwolf Software only throws an error when the black baofeng cable purchased from digirig is connected. The green one does not throw the errors noted above, but it does not attempt to key up radio either.

I suspect something with the pinout of the black “digirig” baofeng cable is incorrect for use with digirig lite and direwolf. Otherwise I wouldn’t be receiving the error below:

Reading config file direwolf.conf
Audio device for both receive and transmit: plughw:2,0 (channel 0)
Channel 0: 1200 baud, AFSK 1200 & 2200 Hz, A+, 44100 sample rate.
Using /dev/hidraw3 GPIO 3 for channel 0 PTT control.
Ready to accept AGW client application 0 on port 8000 …
Ready to accept KISS TCP client application 0 on port 8001 …
DNS-SD: Avahi: Announcing KISS TCP on port 8001 as ‘Dire Wolf on direwolf3’
GPSD: No location fix.
GPSD: Location fix is now 3D.
DNS-SD: Avahi: Service ‘Dire Wolf on direwolf3’ successfully registered.
[0L] KG7ORK>APDW17,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1:!###############
[0L] KG7ORK>APDW17,WIDE1-1:!#######################
[0L] KG7ORK>APDW17,WIDE1-1:!########################
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Write to /dev/hidraw3 failed, n=-1, errno=32
ERROR: PTT for channel 0 has failed. See User Guide for troubleshooting tips.
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Audio input device 0 error code -19: No such device
Terminating after audio input failure.

the black digirig cable is correct for digirig mobile, lite, and the digirig brand vox cable.
(the green cable is not used with the ‘lite’ or vox cable since the green cable is wired for programming purposes and not audio in/out and would be plugged into the green ‘serial’ port of a digirig mobile)

so there must be something else going on.

you’ve already ‘ruled out’ the cable being the fault since you have it working on the windows platform.

i hope a pi guru will jump in with some real help for you.
i believe it’s a matter of getting the pi os to enumerate/recognize/play well with the cm108 gpio
