I am running a DigiRig for APRS on 2m and getting volume levels around 155 when receiving packets. In order to start receiving packets, I need to move the volume about 15 degrees past top dead center.
I have the squelch turned all the way off. When I back the volume anywhere below top dead center, I stop receiving packets. Monitoring the frequency with an HT, I hear lots and lots of packets that the HT can’t decode, but this new station seems to decode everything.
No matter what I do, I get packet reports like the following. I’d like to get my input level closer to 50, but I can’t decode packets if I go any lower.
Audio input level is too high. Reduce so most stations are around 50.
DCD 0 = 0
DCD 0 = 1
Digipeater WOOSTR audio level = 154(38/32) __||||___
Audio input level is too high. Reduce so most stations are around 50.
[0.3] W8JES>APU25N,N8HKO-3,WIDE1,KB8UVN-7,WOOSTR*,WIDE2:=4103.48N/08338.65W#PHG72804/Findlay's I-Gate & Wide1 Digi<0x0d>
Station info
- Audio Interface - DigiRig with a custom cable.
- Rig - Yaesu FT-2980
- TNC - Direwolf running on DigiPi (Linux)
I have experimented with the audio levels using alsamixer but it doesn’t seem to make any difference.
Does anyone have any ideas on where I can start troubleshooting?
Quick update.
This problem has been plaguing me for about two weeks. I have left the radio on 24/7 since then. About 0300EST today, I am no longer able to decode packets. I have transmitted beacons and seen those on APRS.fi, but I am no longer decoding packets.
I have been checking the volume by starting from zero, and incrementint it a little every half hour or so, but I haven’t seen anything decode all day.
Second Update
To ensure I was still receiving signals, I unplugged the DigiRig and checked the signals against my HT. Both radios are hearing the same thing. I also noticed that I am no longer getting DCD, even when there are strong signals present.
Previously, I’d get DCD =1 before a decode, and DCD=0 after, but now, I am getting no carrier detect.
Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Third Update
I tried sending beacons with using YAAC (which I have been doing for a few weeks), and the PTT is working, but no modulation is present. Just a carrier.
Fourth Update
Just to make sure my signal was okay, I hit the local repeater, and got good signal reports on all machines.
I am gonna borrow a different TNC, and see if the digirig is the issue.
Fifth Update
Okay, as a last resort, I replaced the DIgiRig with a cheapie USB soundcard from my junk box, and everything works textbook. I guess my DigiRig is dead.
Now to figure out how to make the PPT work from a GPIO pin.