I have a Digirig mobile, Yaesu FT-8900R, and the MiniDin6 9600-baud Audio/PTT cable. Can someone explain to me how to make it all work with winlink? A watched several how-to videos, tried the soundmodem software. Im at a loss.
Should I be using the RJ-12 cable? We dont have vara fm here.
According to the FT-8900 manual, it does support the 9600 baud cable and data rate, so no need to move to the RJ-12. Plus using the DIN means the radio’s volume and squelch settings will not affect the radio’s tx/rx transmission when sending packets. You can turn the volume down, or squelch the signal out if you don’t want to hear the packet data.
No worries about not having VARA FM, the DR Mobile does good old packet just fine too.
We need some detail as to what is or isn’t working. Does the DR Mobile have the correct signaling standard that the radio expects; what OS are you using; and have you confirmed the COM port, audio in/out, for example. Otherwise we don’t know where to start in the troubleshooting.
It’ll help immensely if you are comfortable with your OS (Windows?) configuration settings, as the DR itself doesn’t require any configuration, other than having the hardware signaling set to the correct standard.
A good start if you haven’t checked out the DR store support area - the main article covers the standard Windows set-up, and look under the same page to the right, “Recent Posts” for further info:
Getting Started with Digirig Mobile – digirig
Steve VE7IIF
EDIT: The serial signaling standard (levels) are only a factor if you’re using the CAT control features. CAT is normally supported only on HF radio in my experience, so this will not form part of your circumstance.
I dont know whats not working properly because I dont know how it should be working. The only rhing I know is I can send and receive via telnet with zero issues. On packet, they only get through if im connected to the internet.
-OS is windows 10 pro version 22H2
-Com ports are good.
-I can see the bars moving in sound settings.
-I cant see anything happening on the soundmoden monitor and the wayer fall changes when I adjust the levels but thats it, no indication of activity.
-I cant hear anything on computer or radio other than static.
With the MiniDin6 9600-baud Audio/PTT cable, should it be plugged into the audio or serial port on the digirig?
This is the digirig i bought
The audio/PTT cable plugs into audio socket on Digirig.
When it comes to Digirig functionality, as minimum you should be able to (1) get the audio from radio to computer, (2) key up the radio when it’s time to transmit and (3) get the audio from computer on the air. Other aspects are outside of Digirig’s control (e.g. quality of the radio link etc).
The fact that you don’t hear the traffic between other stations suggests that you may be outside of the range of other stations. You can drive closer to the location of the digipeater to rule out RF related concerns.
I can talk on an ht with people at the same location where the node is. Its less than 4 miles away.
In that case you should be able to hear the digital traffic on your HT as well. Is that the case?