I have 2 radios. One radio is just for monitoring. I have it set to 145.615 as a test
The other radio, is the one I’m doing direwolf on. It is a Yaesu FT-2980. I have the correct cable, and the RJ-11 is plugged into the Mic and the jack is plugged into the speaker. It is also set to 145.615. I chose this frequency because I just wanted to test the setup.
FYI: the ptt is on /dev/ttyUSB0, and PTT works just fine. I can see the radio go into TX mode, and the other radio sees it.
My sound card is plughw:3,0 and verified with arecord -l
alsamixer for the PnP Audio Device (Digirig) is set and not muted.
direwolf when it runs triggers a packet to be sent and the radio goes into TX but I hear no packet audio on my monitoring radio.
How do I test (non radio wise) the output audio of the digirig – like say with a speaker or something to see if I am getting audio out?
test audio with headphones** – plug a regular 3.5mm stereo headphones into Digirig’s audio socket and initiate transmit cycle. You’ll hear digital mode sounds on the right side, this indicates your software and Digirig are working as expected
Your monitor radio’s input may be saturated by the signal from the radio-under-test. Try transmitting into a dummy load, or removing the antenna from the monitor radio. I have only had success with digital modes on HTs by using a remote antenna, like a roll-up Jpole or a 1/4 wave magmount. Make sure AGC is unset and squelch 0.