IC-7000 no audio into radio from digrig (JS8Call)

Ubuntu 22.04
Kernel: 6.5.0-1027-oem
ICOM IC-7000
JS8Call App Image
4c8a2cf08d69da78f3c25cd0f2f457aec5763762e71746950ab255d87d2c4123 js8call-2.2.0-Linux-Desktop.x86_64.AppImage

Question up front: Which of these would be best for JS8Call using Ubuntu 22.04? Both are listed but I noticed the Data pin out differs. The first has the AF OUT 1200 baud, while the second has DATA OUT 9600 baud. I’m not exactly clear on how these differ but wonder if it’s the cause of the issues outline below. I tried JS8Call with the second one.

IC-7000 DATA Pins

Using the MiniDin6 cable found here: Yaesu FT-8xx cords for Digirig Mobile – digirig from the DATA port to the DigiRig Audio port.

Separate USB to 3.5 cable for CAT. Works fine.

JS8Call is able to receive but does not decode. WSJTX can receive and decode.

Tried to compile drivers from source: CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers - Silicon Labs
Compiler issues, didn’t go further.

Plug headphones into DigiRig Audio jack and can hear Tone when the button is pressed in JS8Call. Plug in the DATA cable hooked to the radio, no Tone seen on any of the charts on the IC-7000.

i would prefer the 13pin din acc port on the 7000.

using the 6 pin mini din, the radio input is ‘switched’ between the 1200 pin the the 9600 pin via the RADIO menu settings.

the radio audio output will always be on the same pin, but the TYPE of audio it outputs is determined by the aforementioned RADIO menu setting.

1200 setting will give you ‘speaker’ style audio, that is fixed in volume (from the radio) and would give good results into the digirig and onto the pc software.

9600 setting will give you ‘detector’ style audio, this is fixed in volume (from the radio) and should be useable but most likely will be ‘look’ like much lower volume into the pc software. (the audio is most commonly called ‘flat’ because there is no emphasis ‘shaping’ as is the speaker type output)

as for the audio INPUT into the radio, the same is pretty much true.

unless you’re trying vara wide or 9600 packet, 1200 baud is a much more forgiving ‘setting’ on the radio.

good luck