Using a CI-V model Digirig, I believe I have it mostly configured correctly, as I can read the frequency. Problem is that when I transmit, the radio resets. I dropped power to zero and this still happens. I’d like to connect this radio to my computer. I use two other Digirigs all the time, so I doubt it’s the interface.
Can anyone tell me what I have wrong?
Icom IC-7000: (ID 0x70)
DIN cable is for audio/PTT
TRS cable is for CAT
RTS low
DTR low
This occurs across WSJT-X, FLRIG/FLDIGI, and Amateur Contact Log.
I know I’m doing something stupid…
Thanks & 73,
John, I use a IC-7000 here and have seen this same behavior on occasion. In my case, it was RF getting into the radio through the CI-V port. Even with power set to ZERO percent, there is still some RF output from my radio, but usually reducing power takes care of the problem. Another work around I’ve found is to disconnect the digirig serial port cable once your software has tuned your radio to your working frequency via the CI-V port. Then operate your radio with the serial port disconnected… works for me. When changing bands or QSY, plug in the serial port, the computer changes the radio frequency, then uplug the digirig serial port again and start operating on the new frequency. A bit cumbersome but the IC-7000 seems to be very sensitive to any RF on the CI-V port. I think it is getting coupled from the internal circuits of the digirig for some reason.
Thanks for the suggestions. I made one significant change - PTT now runs from RTS instead of CAT. DTR setting is blank, though “low” does not change behavior. Now it seems to work, at least with 50W to a dummy load. I’ll have to try in the field. FWIW, disconnecting the serial didn’t allow anything to work - even the RTS PTT. Ron’s suggestion I think applies to phone operation.
I got to field test, with lackluster results. PTT on RTS worked - for a while, then it didn’t. It was too cold to document symptoms, and it’s not like it’s my only radio.
Thanks to all. I’ll try to report back after the that’s