IC-7000, WJST-X Faults

Hey y’all,

I’ve been having this issue with my radio setup lately where it’ll perform like a champion on the digimodes, but after about 5 minutes WJST-X acts like it is receiving RFI. WJST-X seems to lose communication with the radio unit, and pops the Rig Control Error dialogue box.

I have tried troubleshooting over the last few days, including:

  • swapping coax
  • adding ferrites to the USB
  • Swapping for the DigiRig USB
  • Utilizing rig without ATU
  • Changing computers

The only thing I haven’t been able to isolate thus far is the DigiRig. Thoughts?

I use a 1:1 current balun on the leadline to reduce RFI.

73 Constrainted

The coaxial line feeds into an LDG 1:9 UNUN before going into the EFRW in this setup

I used the ARRL Antenna Book and Handbook, edited by Ward N0AX as my guides to identify sources of common mode current and ways to reduce it.

73 Constrainted

Is there a way to shield the Digirig? Every cable has ferrite beads on them. The RF must be attacking the digirig itself.

Are you using an OTG cable to add USB ports? Users have found that some models work better than others.

Another user here found with a USB-A cable that shorting the USB-A connector shield to the other end of the connecter by wrapping wire reduced RFI.

73 Constrainted

No, using the embedded USB-A ports on the computer. Thus far, I’ve used the coiled DigiRig USB-C to USB-A with the ferrites, as well as a regular usb with added ferrites, and then a regular USB router through a toroid. All have been unsuccessful

I also have an IC-7000 and a Digirig running WSJT-X with similar issues. I’ve tried all the suggestions found in this and other forums and none have totally resolved the issue. I think the IC-7000/WSJT-X combination is particularly sensitive as others have noted. I can swap out the 7000 for a Yaesu FT-891 with its Digirig with everything else being the same and have no issue. I too would welcome a solution!

The most effective solution is a common mode choke on the feedline - it prevents RF from making it back to the radio vs trying to deal with it in accessory connections. One of the less expensive ones that I came across is this model:

You can also source FT240-31 Ferrite Toroid Cores and wrap your existing coax.

RF was traveling down the coax into the system and causing hell. I added a common mode choke make from a jump cable wrapped about 12 times around a FT240-43 toroid. Just made a flawless transcontinental QSO on 50W.

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Thank you for the help. And a QSO last night!

de K8ZX

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Congrats on your success! Thank you for the report and QSO.

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