IC-7100 using 6pin mini DIN DATA2 connector for 9k6

This is the setup so far. Just in case I missed something. I had missed some of these settings with my first attempt:

VFO - 430 FM Data mode

Setup Connectors:

9600bps Mode (Default: OFF) Turn it on…
Connectors > 9600bps Mode (9600bps Mode)

Select whether to allow data transmission at 9600 bps,
or not on the [DATA2] socket.

• OFF: Disables data transmission at 9600 bps on the
[DATA2] socket. This is used for regular audio or
slower data transmission only.

• ON: Enables data transmission at 9600 bps on the
[DATA2] socket.

Connectors > DATA MOD’ is set to ‘ACC’
Connectors > VSEND Select’ is set to ‘OFF’.
Connectors > DATA MOD Level’ setting is at the default ‘50%’ value.


John, thank you for sharing the info.