Icom IC-207H & ID-800H / 1200 & 9600 bps

I have an ID-800H set at 96 bps and the cable configured for the 9600 Data Pin. The radio will TX/RX on VARA-FM Wide and 1200 baud packet using SoundModem.

I have an IC-207H set just as the ID-800H. The radio will TX/RX on VARA-FM Wide and RX only on 1200 baud packet using SoundModem.

Is the IC-207H capable of operating just as the ID-800 does?


Randy, W4IFI

According to the manual IC-207H is capable of 9600 audio through the accessory port:

and p. 63

You’ll need Digirig cable with green molding on MiniDin6 side for that.

I know all of this. I have the correct cables. What I don’t get is why the ID800H (with 96 bps set) will TX & RX on VARA-FM Wide and 1200 baud packet but the IC-207H will only TX/RX on VARA-FM Wide and receive 1200 baud packet but no TX.

Granted, the cable for two radios are different but the pins to plug connections are the same.

So is the issue that you can’t key up your IC-207H using Soundmodem?

Yes. When I set the IC-207H to ‘12 BPS’ it’ll transmit 1200 baud packet using SoundModem (which seems odd since the pin for 1200 baud data isn’t connected to anything). When I set the radio to ‘96 BPS’ VARA-FM will transmit but not SoundModem / 1200 baud packet.

Some notes:

  • When it comes to transmitting there are no separate lines for 1200 and 9600 baud audio. Pin 1 is used for all transmit audio.
  • Radio has no way of knowing if you are running Vara, Soundmodem or playing youtube video into it - all it gets is the audio.
  • Other than the audio quality the software on the computer has no way of knowing what bandwidth setting you selected on the radio.

Are you using the same computer and software between the two radios? Maybe audio settings are not correct in Soundmodem?

Yep. Same computer and software. Here’s something, I changed the Sound Card output device on Soundmodem from DigiRig to the computer soundcard and the IC-207H transmits. Of course, the audio doesn’t go over the air. It’s as if the DigiRig is not allowing the radio to transmit, as odd as that seems.


Solved. I had to reduce the DigiRig sound card Playback (output) volume to 45, was 70. Anything about 45 the radio will not transmit. So, if I have this right, the DigiRig was being overdriven with audio causing it not to transmit?

Big surprise, I was the cause of the problem!


Thank you for the update. Glad to hear you got this figured out.

From what it sounds it was the other way around: The output from Digirig was overdriving the radio and radio refused to transmit.

yes, i run a 207 in the truck with an argent data aprs tnc and the radio most certainly will balk at too high a level into the modulator.

glad it’s resolved

Hey, where were you when I needed you!

On to the next rabbit hole.

Glad I could talk it out on this forum to get 'er figured out.


-Randy, W4IFI

Yes, that’s more like it. The radio was the issue. Thanks for talking it out with me.


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Morning all,
Try to connect my Digirig to my ICom IC-207h. I can get it to see the TNC, but when I transmit on winlink, it just has a steady transmit out until it times out. I have the radio and winlink program set for 9600 baud. when I go to VARA-FM it just key the radio twice and then report failed to connect. So is there a software option I failed to set correctly? Thanks Gene-KB4HAH :slight_smile:

Well, it would be helpful to see some screenshots of your VARA and Winlink settings. But absent that, the obvious is sound card settings in VARA-FM.

As you can see from above I also have the IC-207H so I should be able to get you up and running.


-Randy, W4IFI

Eugene, it sounds like you are trying to connect Winlink directly to Digirig’s serial port as if there’s TNC there. With sound card based interfaces such as Digirig you need to configure software TNC. On Windows that will be VaraFM or soundmodem. Check out some online tutorials on the topic for general information.

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