Kenwood HT, Baeofang cables, Winlink VARA FM

That sounds frustrating. There is a Troubleshooting Digital Modes – digirig . Are you using VOX sound level to trigger PTT or Serial line RTS? If Serial line RTS, then watch

73 Constrainted

Thanks, I’ll take a look.

As I do from time to time, I got frustrated and fired off the question. Then got stubborn, took a deep breath and started checking every setting. I needed to set VARA to trigger the PTT via COM, not VOX. From there it was diamonds. Made a connection with a VARA gateway about 30 miles away (straight up Puget Sound) with the HT.

I seem to be on the right path now.

Congratulations! Thanks for reporting that great result! Vara FM is a great mode, and the salt water must be worth a few dB, too.

73 Constrainted