MAC M1. howto Adertermine the Portname for CAT Control

I have an FT891, a digirig. dr891 with cables. And a MAC M1.
I want to use flrig and Fldigi, but I can’t determine the USB Port to use on the MAC. Same thing with rigctld. How can I find out what to enter in the cat usb port settings ?

When I plug in the digirig CUSB. there is the following output of

USB Audio Device:

          Product ID: 0x0012
          Vendor ID: 0x0d8c  (C-MEDIA ELECTRONICS INC.)
          Version: 1.00
          Speed: Up to 12 Mb/s
          Manufacturer: C-Media Electronics Inc.
          Location ID: 0x01120000 / 3
          Current Available (mA): 500
          Current Required (mA): 100
          Extra Operating Current (mA): 0

        **CP2105 Dual USB to UART Bridge Controller**:                      <<<Seems to be the digirig.  But howto address it in fldigi ?

          Product ID: 0xea70
          Vendor ID: 0x10c4  (Silicon Laboratories, Inc.)
          Version: 1.00
          Serial Number: 00EFEDBE
          Speed: Up to 12 Mb/s
          Manufacturer: Silicon Labs
          Location ID: 0x01110000 / 2
          Current Available (mA): 500
          Current Required (mA): 100
          Extra Operating Current (mA): 0


Check the available options in the software you are configuring and select the one associated with Silicon Labs entry. You can try running the same software with and without Digirig connected to determine what option is becoming available in the list.

Thanks for your answer. The problem is that Silicon Labs does not appear in the dropdown. It does even not appear in the output of ls /dev. The USB audio of the digirig appears for selecting even in ls /dev. The silicon Labs device is only shown if I use the command
“system_profiler SPUSBDataType” from the terminal, but not choosable in the config settings of the flrig or fldigi software.

Maybe a driver installation is required in your system. There is a driver for MacOS, but I’m not sure it it is compatible with M1 ARM processor. This appears to be a relevant discussion in Silicon Labs forums:

Thanks @K0TX,
I think the Silicon Labs Controller does not work with the MAC M1 at all. I checked the driver. I installed it but the MAC uses the build in driver from the Applekernel anyway. This problem have more people. So I will switch to my old Linux Computer and hope that Apple makes an update some times (The M1 has build in drivers which does not work but have priority over kernel add ons…). I watch this forum perhaps other people have the same issue.

It’s mostly working for me with an M2 on Sonoma 14.6.1. What steps have you taken?
What is your output from “ls -lart /dev/tty*” ?
I haven’t used fldigi or flrig before so I don’t know what I’m doing, but I can see /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART as an option. I see it in wsjtx as well.
I’ll do my best to help.

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Thanks for Your hint…
Yes I made a ls -lart /dev/tty*. . But the SiliconLabsdriver does not appear. Do You have an FT891 ?
I have Sequoia 15.0. The driver doesn’t appear anyway.

I have an FTM300, but that is further down the chain. You should be able to see the DigiRig on its own, with no radio attached. Perhaps you are using the wrong driver?

Use this OSX one.
Also, try a different USB cable. I am using a good quality C to C one. If you’re using a hub or adapter, it might cause issues, you never know.

Another thing I have done, which may or may not have affected my success, was to install hamlib.

brew install hamlib

Let me know how it goes