No Sound Level in Windows for DR891 Playback

I have an FT-891 , Windows 11 Home, and DR-891. I am using the Digirig cables in and out of the device. I have set up FT8 using a Digirig before with not issues. While I wait for a response I am going to try FT8 with my other device. 0When I tune in WSJT-x the sound meter in windows sound playback does not show and green bars. I connected my headphones to the audio for the DR-891 and was able to hear a tone when I tested through the windows sound program (mmsys.cp) and when I have the radio on and Tune through WSJT-x on F0t-8 I can hear a tone when I use Both in the configuration. pskreporter is not hearing my transmissions and the waterfall does not show any “output” in WSJT-x. I switched antennas to a CHA mil whip and extension and it tests out fine. I bumped up the DATA DATA GAIN on the radio. Any other suggestions?