Problem - seems to be Software. FT60, SoundModem, PinpointAPRS, Windows platform

First things first - I love the DigiRig so far. Just got it plus cables yesterday. As always, the problem lurks somewhere in the Software settings.

All connection OK. Tried the jumper shorting on the Sleeve to next Ring, and it goes to TX.

I get a notice / caution when starting from soundmodem that: “Cannot open port Com4” - but it proceeds to open and I get incoming sounds and waterfall, and APRS locations plotted on the Map. I have turned off the Internet APRS-IS - and all points on the Map are from RF.

So . . . the HT hears OK, but cant TX

I’m hoping I can get a clue about what the most likely culprit may be.


PS. Once I get Windows settled down, I hope to move on to APRDdroid and WOAD on my Samsung galaxy - that’s my long term desire. K

Is Digirig on COM4? Can you confirm in the Device Manager?

I am on Windows 8.1 Not enough space for 10. In Device Manager, it does not offer Com Port number directly. I only have 2 USB A ports.

When running Winlink through my for a KX3, the two USB Ports show as either Com3 or Com4. I tried both 3 and 4 in turn, and both just showed the waterfall on RX but nothing to TX. The SoundModem is processing the incoming signal with good copy of intelligible text on RX.

My Yaesu FT60 does not show any sign of output when I sent a Message to myself - eventhough the SoundModem shows it as having been transmitted on the Text Screen, but nothing shows on the Waterfall. I have a second Baufeng on the side which also hears nothing when the FT60 should be transmitting.

I’m wondering if there is an alternative way around determining the Com#? for the Digirig? I will append two Window Prints showing the Setup:

I am on Windows 8.1 Not enough space for 10. In Device Manager, it does not offer Com Port number directly. I only have 2 USB A ports.

When running Winlink through my for a KX3, the two USB Ports show as either Com3 or Com4. I tried both 3 and 4 in turn, and both just showed the waterfall on RX but nothing to TX. The SoundModem is processing the incoming signal with good copy of intelligible text on RX.

My Yaesu FT60 does not show any sign of output when I sent a Message to myself - eventhough the SoundModem shows it as having been transmitted on the Text Screen, but nothing shows on the Waterfall. I have a second Baufeng on the side which also hears nothing when the FT60 should be transmitting.

I’m wondering if there is an alternative way around determining the Com#? for the Digirig? I will append two Window Prints showing the Setup:

I am on Windows 8.1 Not enough space for 10. In Device Manager, it does not offer Com Port number directly. I only have 2 USB A ports.

When running Winlink through my for a KX3, the two USB Ports show as either Com3 or Com4. I tried both 3 and 4 in turn, and both just showed the waterfall on RX but nothing to TX. The SoundModem is processing the incoming signal with good copy of intelligible text on RX.

My Yaesu FT60 does not show any sign of output when I sent a Message to myself through Pinpoint - eventhough the SoundModem shows it as having been transmitted on the Text Screen, but nothing shows on the Waterfall. I have a second Baufeng on the side which also hears nothing when the FT60 should be transmitting.

I’m wondering if there is an alternative way around determining the Com#? for the Digirig?

This may be related to what you are experiencing.

I was using PinPoint APRS earlier this evening. I have it set to open soundmodem when I begin the application. It does not reliably shut down soundmodem when I exit. The solution is to clean up the orphaned instances with Task Manager before restarting PinPoint APRS.

73 Constrainted

Yes,thank you. I did look to ensure that no Orphans were dangling out there. Id check that box to have the Modem start automatically. Seems to be AOK in that regard, but still refuses to TX.

I rotated through all options from Com1 through Com15 for SoundModem, and they all got message “Cannot open Com Port #”. RX still works fine though.

I did go into the Device manager again, and found under the Com devices, that the Digirig one “USB to UART Bridge Controller,” under General Information it said:

The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
There are no compatible drivers for this device.
To find a driver for this device, click Update Driver.

I did click Update Driver, but did not complete that task - having developed “cold feet”.

1 - Is this something that should be needed? Updating a driver for Windows 8.1?
2 - Is there an alternative way to find out the Com# for the Digirig device, on my computer when it is Plugged into a USB A port?

I find that this driver works on Windows 11:

and it must be downloaded and installed. My Windows 10 and Windows 11 would not fetch and install it for me.

73 Constrainted

“Constrainted”, thank you for the thought. I did download the Universal Windows driver Zip, and executed the Update Para Windows Batch file.

After rebooting the computer, and plugging in my old Signalink, the port was identified as: USB Serial Port (COM3). Great - this is very helpful progress - thank you “Constrainted”!

Now, however, when I plug in the Digirig unit, it does not register as a COM port under the COM and LPT section of the Device Manager tab, but rather:

“CP2102N USB to UART Bridge Controller”
Under the “Other Devices” section, not under Ports (Com and LPT) section

So, progress, yet still a mystery as to how to identify the Digirig by a COM Port number. Also, it begs the question, why does a Com Port need to be declared if Pinpoint APRS isnt calling for Serial TNC settings if the rig Im using (FT60) is only using Network KISS mode?

Still Curious . . .
Kevin, VE7KHI

That is frustrating when the advice someone gives does no good.

The download that I have used successfully is from:

CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers - Silicon Labs (

and the device driver is called CP210x rather than CP210N:


As you mention, you are not accessing soundmodem via COM port, that is true. Soundmodem does need to know the COM port to pull PTT on the radio.

If the USB port is “compliant” and there are drivers for the PnP audio devices, software can access the audio devices.

73 Constrainted

OK, I have found some Joy. It was a scary thing to tinker with the Driver guts of my computer, but it now displays:


I have put COM5 in the Pinpoint APRS and still get no transmit yet. I will reboot the computer and try again. I will send a copy of the settings for SoundModem and Pinpoint if it does not work after a cold reboot.

Please use network setting, not serial port setting, in Pinpoint APRS to communicate with soundmodem. Then set the Digirg COM port in soundmodem to control PTT.

73 Constrainted

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We had a similar discussion in another thread:

Please take a look.

You are very close to success. Let us know how it works out.

73 Constrainted

I have monkeyed with the drivers, and now have a proper COM5 showing up for Digirig. PinPoint is: Network KISS mode;; port 8100. Eventhough COM5 is identified in the Serial settings, I understand that it is irrelevant in Network mode.

SoundModem is: Single Channel Output (is that necessary?); Unchecked TX Rotation (does that effect anything?); KISS Port 8100, enabled; COM5, and neither DualPTT nor Swap Com Pins are selected.

So all that seems to jive!


I see that the Baufeng setting is for SQL=5. I had been running full sound, no SQL so that I could see that the waterfall was going. ?? Question - Does that effect the possibility of a transmit?

So, Im still unable to send a Position Report when selected from the Pinpoint Tools menu.

I just tried the "listen to this device for Digirig in the Windows sound settings.

When I hit Transmit a Location Beacon, or Send a Message, I can hear a very faint whisper of a transmission under the sound level. Its clear and very faint.

Is it possible that it is just not strong enough to trigger the FT60 to do the transmit. The TX light is not being triggered - but perhaps that can happen if I can figure out how to adjust for it.

I have always had a dyslexia about Recording VS Playback.

Any suggestion as to what to " jack up "?


SQL should be 0 and TSQ tail squelch should be off. This affects receive.

PTT is working if and only if the TX light goes on.

I often monitor my transmission with an HT, and you can use your Baofeng HT for that.

@K0TX has published a step-by-step guide for troubleshooting PTT:

73 Constrainted

I have run through the process in WSJTX in the diagnostic video. Under the Radio tab, after confirming UART Com5 in Device Manager, I specified COM5 and RTS, and under the Audio Tab, specified as Digirig PnP for audio input and output.

Time: 2:04, Attempt to send from WSJTX, No TX Light
2:15, No Error Messages from WSJTX. It (WSJtx) seems to believe that its work was successfully completed - its dialogue with Digirig TNC was AOK
2:45, of course, no RFI problem
3:29, short test - Sleeve to Ring 2 (next to Sleeve) successfully triggers TX

Tested continuity between ends of the Right Angle (radio) end of the cable and the Straight end:

RadioTip - Straight end Tip - Continuity
Radio Ring1 - NO continuity anywhere on Straight end TRRS

Radio Ring 2 - Straight end Ring 1 Continuity
Radio Sleeve Straight end Sleeve - Continuity

In noticed too that the Short-out test to trigger TX Light on FT60 works between the Sleeve at the Digirig end and EITHER Ring 1 or Ring 2

Perhaps this is not how it should be?


Yes, that’s correct for Yaesu cable.
Here’s the schematic from the product page:

I summary:

  • shorting test indicates that the cable and radio are good
  • if PTT is still not triggering from Digirig then double check that you connect to audio socket and the COM port number is still correct (check device manager)
  • if you have ohmmeter then check for the drop in resistance inside Digirig when you activate PTT as shown in video (polarity matter for this test).
  • you can mail in your Digirig for diagnostic if nothing else helps

I have not opened the DigiRig. You were kind enough to send it pre-configured for the FT60 (Audio), and the KX3. Are the points where the Resistance Drop is to be measured clearly indicated? Obvious?.

I will look into anything further to test. I will try it out on another computer - in case that is the issue.

So, the cable is not an issue.