RESOLVED: Icom IC-7000 No to Low Tx Audio Using Mini-DIN6 Cable

This post is intended to replace my previous post of the same topic, which had a lot of diagnostic information within as I was seeking assistance from the community to help resolve the issue.

Situation: Wanting to have the ability to utilize 9600 baud VHF/UHF packet and Vara FM Wide on the IC-7000, using the DigiRig Mobile with DigiRig audio and serial (CI-V CAT) cables.

Constants: 9600 baud requires the use of the Data DIN6 jack, as the ACC DIN13 jack only supports 1200 baud. The Data DIN6 jack supports 1200/9600 simultaneously if Menu 3, Function 4, “9600” is enabled.

If “9600” is not enabled, it will only support 1200 baud via the Data DIN6 jack pins 2 & 4, which are designated as 9600. Pins 2 & 5 of the Data DIN6 are listed as 1200, and will not support 9600 regardless.

Problem: Using a DigiRig Mobile connected via DigiRig’s DIN6 data and serial (CI-V CAT) cables produces no to very low transmit audio with the M3, F4, “9600” enabled, but receives data fine.

Solution: If the DigiRig Mobile’s transmit audio (Windows Mixer’s “Speaker”) is set too high, the IC-7000 transmits, but disables any transmit audio received by the Data DIN6 jack pins 1 & 2 while M3, F4, “9600” is enabled.

Reducing the transmit audio level enables the IC-7000 to transmit audio when the “9600” mode is enabled, using a COM port with RTS for PTT control. The CI-V CAT cable can be left connected for HF CI-V CAT use, but it cannot be used for VHF/UHF PTT control with Data DIN6. The CI-V CAT cable works for PTT with ACC DIN13 for 1200 baud however. I suspect this may be a similar situation for other Icom radios from the era such as the IC-706…

Positive side effect of Data DIN6 vs ACC DIN13: Besides having the ability for 9600 baud packet and Vara FM Wide, because the Data DIN6 routes directly to the discriminator the radio’s squelch setting has no effect on the Data DIN6 received audio - set the squelch up for quiet speaker when there’s no received signal vs the ACC DIN13 which only supports 1200, and works best with squelch open.

I hope someone finds this useful…

Steve, VE7IIF