Setup for Yaesu FTM-500D for VARA-FM and WinLink

Checklist using the Digirig Mobile with the Yaesu connection kit # YSU10CATMOBILE.

  1. Connect only the “Sound” cable ton the Digirig mobile
  2. Follow the YouTube video from Denis, on setting up the sound card. If you use Windows 11, in the search bar search for “Sound” > “More Settings” (you will see the small pop-up windows like on the YouTube go-by video.)
  3. Set your data speed to 9600 baud (data only - leave APRS at 1200 baud). On the Yaesu, make your settings #69 Com Port and #71 Data Speed to 9600 baud rate
  4. On the VARA-FM Setup > FM System = NARROW, enter you call sign and do not select any other settings
  5. On the VARA-FM SoundCard setup > select your Digirig audio device for both “Device Input” and “Device Output” and click on “Test Tune” by pinging a local VARA-FM station - If no signal is received, continue with the next step and try later
  6. On the VARA-FM PTT settings, select “COM” radio button, the correct “COM Port” and the correct PTT Pin option of “RTS”.
  7. Try pinging a nearby VARA-FM station - this should get you on the air with VARA-FM and WinLink using VARA-FM to send and receive WinLink messages.

Do reach out if you need more help. 73 de K6JPI (