Hi guys, I’ve been trying to get my Yaesu 857D connected to WSJT-X and cannot get it to connect. I have been successful with my FTDX101mp and FT-70. I will be using the 857D for satellite repeaters.
There are two devices plugged in, a Yaesu G5500 rotor (Com 7) and the Digirig (Com 5). The rotor is working fine. I recorded me testing the digirig ( Screen recording 857D w/DigiRig Mobile ) and it shows a strange pattern of up up down down when in packet view whereas most of the time those are just commands ~30-50. You’ll see that it goes ~200 times before I get the “rig failure” message.
I’ve tried every config on the setup screen, I’ve tried different baud rates on the radio, I have also included some screen shots of the radio.
Any tips? I know it has to be something simple.
Ron G.
Current radio settings:
Baud = 4800
Rear = CAT
Dig Display = 0hz
Dig Gain = 25
Dig Mode = User-U
Dig Shift = 0hz
Dig VOX = 0
i’m sorry, i’m of no use.
i don’t have any yaesu equipment anymore.
it’s puzzling that you’ve got two other radios working with the digrig remote control.
for me, i’d be thinking;
cable insertion/orientation
another program holding control of the specified comport
hamlib radio entry. (the last couple of hamlib ‘updates’ seem to break a few radio entries)
sorry i couldn’t give any real help
good luck
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For clarity, the other transceivers both have internal sound cards. The only one that I’m using the Digirig on is fhe 857D.
i interpreted the first paragraph wrong

you mentioned satellite.
are you running satpc32 at the same time as wsjt-x? (or another doppler compensating program)
i use a digirig mobile with my ic-821h
i usually work the ssb transponder birds though.
hopefully someone versed in the 857D serial connection will jump in.
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No sir, running either-or but not at the same time. The other rigs won’t do 2M/70CM so it’s hopefully accomplished with the 857D. I do have channels programmed where I can compensate for doppler but real time CAT control doppler adjustments will be pretty awesome. Plan is to work’em all if I can get everything sorted out.
Regarding the HamLib thing, I uninstalled WSJT-X Improved and reinstalled the original, just in case that HamLib thing was an issue and still the same thing…
I ordered another USB-C to USB-B cable just in case, along with another Digirig and cables for the FTM-500 to see if I can get that one to work.
Thx for giving it some thought, much appreciated.
Ron G.
Swapped in a new Digirig and it’s working like a champ now.
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