Unable to adjust Windows 10 audio input level low enough

Hello everyone,

I’m using a new digirig with the Yaesu 10pin DIN connector to the audio input port. USB C goes to a Microsoft Surface tablet. I needed to isntall the CP210xx drivers in order to have the com port recognized.

I am able to use Vara FM fine, but the audio input level to Windows 10 on the Surface Go is too high. I have lowered the recording level sensitivity is as low as it will go and the input to Vara FM is still at 0 db, and then slowly lowers. I have AGC turned off.

The recording sensitivity slider in Windows 10 does affect the input volume, but it is just too high even when on 0.

I am using this on an FTM-300DR. I have not been able to find a way to lower the output level of the radio.

Any ideas?


I had the same problem. Running the 10 pin cable from a ftm200dr to a surface. I had to cut the trace on the board labeled ATT. This activates the internal attenuator. Worked great after that.

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Yes, activating the hardware attenuator should do the trick. See this page for more info:

Thank you both for your responses. That looks like it will solve the problem. I will give it a try this weekend.



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I got home early tonight, so I opened up the digirig and it looks like the trace between the att pads has already been removed. I purchased this as a package with the 10 pin din connector for Yaesu radios from Gigaparts. Maybe it was already configured for the higher output radio? Or am I just blind :slight_smile:

There is a conductor in between the two pads. It is covered with the black solder mask so it creates an impression that they are not connected. Go ahead with the cut to enable the attenuator.

That solved it. Thanks for the help.

I’m now having a different issue that I will create a new thread on.

Thanks again!

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