Which Interface is Which?

Aloha, I purchased 2 Digirig interfaces over a year ago and due to the many rigs I have now in my possession, I forgot which is which. I’ve been meaning to label them but assumed they were the same and only the cables were radio specific. I think I got one for the Yaesu FT891 and the other for a Xiegu G90 or Icom 706MKIIG as I have cables marked for the Icom.

73 and Mahalo, Delwyn, KH6DC

I would guess top one is logic levels, bottom one is Icom’s half-duplex CI-V serial CAT. Check Digirig Mobile Rev 1.9 – digirig to see the continuity checks you can do to be certain.

73 Constrainted

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You are correct sir, the top is fr the Yaesu FT891 as the CAT is via a USB cable to the rear of the rig. The bottom is for Icom (and others) CI-V. Thanks very much and 73, de KH6DC

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