Win 11 with FLDigi to Digirig to iCOM IC-718 - Configuration Assistance Needed

Total Noob to FLDigi but since the 718 apparently excels at RTTY, I thought I’d give it a go and try it. But FLDigi seems excessively hard to configure. What am I missing?

What functionality do you have difficulty configuring?

  • audio from radio to computer
  • audio from computer to radio
  • PTT
  • serial CAT control

Yes… All of it. But lets start with Serial CAT Control because that might help with everything else.

I would leave serial CAT control for desert as it is an optional functionality (requires Digirig Mobile).

Let’s start with audio input. You should be able to monitor received audio by enabling “listen” checkbox as shown here:

I should have mentioned this is my Digirig Mobile that stays plugged into my base radio and it works great with WSPR and JS8-Call. Sorry I left that out.

I’ll give the vid a watch and see if it helps. Thanks!

i haven’t used fldigi much.
i’m an ‘old free version’ ham radio deluxe kinda guy.

in fldigi though, try:
configure, soundcard
audio ‘tab’, devices ‘tab’

that should get you audio in/out (the device ‘names’ should be just like you set in js8call)

rig ‘tab’, hamlib ‘tab’ (choosing hamlib gets you rig control/ptt without running flrig)
choose ic-718 (i know, obvious)
do NOT choose/check RTS +12v (this option would power up a homebrew interface, NOT the digirig)

now, on the hardware ptt tab, use serial port and RTS (not rts +v)

as in your other programs, you need to double check serial/comport ‘numbers’ and baud rates to match the radio itself (ci-v rate) etc.

good luck