Was able to get the DigiRig working in Windows 10.
Begin by taking a screenshot of the Device Manager with Ports expanded and Sound, video and game controllers expanded.
Connect the DigiRig. Since my xcvr is an FT-891, I only need to connect the PC’s USB to the DigiRig and connect the DigiRig Audio to the RTTY/Data rear port on the FT-891.
Reopen or refresh, if already open, Windows Device Manager. Note the 2 new items. Device Manager, Ports I am seeing Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COM8). Device Manager, Sound, video and game controllers I am seeing USB Audio Device and NOT USB PnP Sound Device as was noted in the instructions.
Since I already had SignaLink working with my FT-891 I don’t believe I need to change any of the FT-891 menu settings. I therefore begin WSJT-X, clone my existing configuration to FT-891 DigiRig, switch to the new FT-891 DigiRig configuration, go into File-> Settings-> Audio. Set Input to Microphone (USB Audio Device) and Output to Speakers (USB Audio Device). Note that neither appear as DigiRig as noted in the instructions.
Save the WSJT-X changes.
I did need to turn down the received levels, using Windows, as the received dB in WSJT-X was in the red.
Also, in Windows, ensure the default sound input and output are NOT mistakenly set to the USB Audio Device (which in my case is DigiRig).
Making QSOs on January 30, 2024 beginning around 1522 UTC.