On Windows 11, with the DR plugged in, I see the com port "Silocon Labs CP2xxx…) driver, but in Device Manager, under Sound, Video< and games controllers… I have “USB Audio Device”. Not the “USB PnP Sound Device” as pointed out in several places I have researched on the internet.
Trying to connect an Alinco DR-735T mobile radio via the 6 pin DIN socket.
I have purchased DigiRig Mobil 9600 Baud MiniDin6 Cable w/Ferrites. As I understand, this is the appropriate cable for this radio.
I have put the radio in TNC mode, have it connected to laptop, but can’t get any response to or from the radio.
I’ve reviewed the VaraFM settings compared to a couple threads here, and so far, have not found the problem…
Would the device driver in Win 11 cause this?
Of course Windows says the driver is the appropriate driver and is working properly, and cannot find a better driver.
I’ve searched here but so far haven’t found it.
But have been accused of being a snake hunter sometimes -)
I’ve got the correct Comm port driver I think, but the Sound and Audio Device is what I’m wondering. Everywhere I seem to find that it’s called “USB PnP Sound Device”
This is normal. The audio device description vary depending on the generation of Digirig and the codec IC used (CM108AH vs CM108B). Please refer to the getting started tutorial for reliable information:
The devices will be found under “Sound, video and game controllers” and “Ports (COM & LPT)” with names “USB audio device” or “USB PnP Sound Device” and “Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COMx)” respectively.
Thanks so much for the response and confirmations.
I moved on to my other vhf radio FTM-500D and was able to gain control of it. I calibrated it in Vara, and tried to ping a Gateway (I guess that’s what they’re called), but couldn’t make a connection with it. I could hear the signals going on on the radio, but still no connection. The station simply may be too far…
Also, I couldn’t get it to work at 9600baud, only 1200bps, so I have to figure that out.
I have been able to successfully activate both of my mobile radio rigs with the DigiRig, albeit the FTM500 is limited due to the cable I chose.
The FTM500 is able to xmit/rcv at 1200baud with the SINGLE 10pin cable, and 9600baud if you get the cable with two connectors to plug into the DigiRig.
The 1200baud single cable is fine for VaraHF work, but I’ll likely get the other cable as well.
I purchased my DigiRig from GigaParts, as the DR was offered with the single cable, and then I purchased the 6pin DIN cable seperate to be used with the Alinco DR735T. Note that the enhanced 9600baud cable from DigiRig is NOT available from GigaParts (at least as my searches have revealed), so you’ll likely need to get that directly from DR or another supplier.
Attached for future reference are photo’s of the Alinco DR–735T manual on TNC Menu set and the pinout of the data port on the rear of the radio. I figured this might help someone else that’s searching info for this radio, as it doesn’t seem to be a common rig. It’s a GREAT radio fyi. Two Thumbs UP.